
The One-Minute Writer

Monday, March 28, 2011

Childhood Memories

There are numerous childhood memories that still stick with me today. A lot of them center around my first friends, my cousins. When we all got together at Grandma's, we always created the most interesting and complex games to play... sometimes they involved laundry basket races, other times it was hiding things we decided were jewels, and other times it was just playing in the woods, trees, or cornfields nearby.

The other childhood memories that have stuck with me are the ones from preschool. We had a pretty awesome indoor wooden playset at my preschool... and we used it ALL the time - for Power Ranger adventures. There were probably about 6 pink rangers and all the boys were either red or green. We weren't big on branching out into the other colors... those were the only rangers that mattered to us at 4.

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